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The horse’s immune system

For many horse owners, the horse’s immune system is a closed book. Everyone knows that it is responsible for defence against germs, bacteria and diseases. 🦠 💪🏻 But what exactly happens in the body? And what can strengthen or weaken the body’s defences? 🤔 #Agrobs has some tips for you. 

➡️ The innate immune defence is responsible for immediately recognising and fighting pathogens. It is already formed in the womb so that it is available immediately after birth. Once a foreign structure (= antigen) is recognised, a constant, non-adapted immune response occurs immediately. 

➡️ The acquired immune system is only activated a few days after the infection by the innate immune defence. In contrast, it develops an “immunological memory”, which can improve the defence mechanisms. This acquired immune defence thus constantly adapts to the environment. 

In order to create and maintain a healthy immune system, we summarised 5 short tips in our picture for you.

Further information is available at Agrobs.

List of five tips from Agrobs about the immun system of horses - English version
Photo – Agrobs