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Terms & Conditions

Everybody fulfilling the mentioned conditions can participate. Upon receipt of your completed booking form (by post, fax or email) and reconfirmation through Equus Ourique, a contractual obligation is established between you and Equus Ourique. For participants under 18 years of age the approval and signature of the legal representative is required.


On establishing the contract a prepayment of 25% of the riding holiday, venue booking or accommodation price is due immediately and is to be paid by bank transfer. The remainder of the price needs to be paid in full, one month prior to arrival by bank transfer. For any booking made within one month of the arrival date full payment is due immediately after confirmation of the booking. Any special horse feed orders that are not openly shown or expressed on our website or WhatsApp catalogue must be paid for upon special order completion. All special order products will be collected by the purchaser or delivered in-full. Equuso will not hold/stock any special horse feed orders.


The cancellation, rebooking or amendment of any booked reservation with Equus Ourique has to be made in writing. The participant has to pay a specific cancellation fee. Cancellation fees are based upon the pre-established price.

The following cancellation fees apply:

  • Up to one month prior to the course 25% of the course price
  • From 29 to 15 days prior to the course 50% of the course price

Thereby, the time of receipt of the cancellation letter is decisive for the calculation of the fee. If you are organising a group of individuals and booking on their behalf you, as group organiser accept, on behalf of each individual, the duty to provide payment.


In case that the booking cannot take place due to “force majeure” (like epidemics, thunderstorms, catastrophes, wars, strikes etc.) or in the case of unacceptable conditions or danger to the client and in the case of not reaching the required minimum attendance up to 2 weeks prior to arrival, the organizer has the right to cancel the travel contract with immediate effect. Payments that have already been settled by then will be refunded immediately. Participants are not entitled to any further claim in regard to compensation.


On the basis of the duty to take care, the organizer is liable for a precise preparation of the booked arrangement, a careful choice of services and the correctness of the specified services. The organizer is not responsible for any misfortunes, any obstructions of traffic, delays or possible consequential costs that might occur for the participant. Participation in services provided by Equus Ourique is at the participant’s/clients risk. If other companies are instructed with carrying out additional services, then these companies take over liability for claims in connection with these services. Property belonging to the participant/client is at all times the responsibility of the participant/client. Equus Ourique is not liable for the loss or damage of property belonging to the participant/client. All equipment is to be handled properly. Participants/clients are liable for damage/loss due to negligence. The liability of the organizer for contractual claims of the participant/client for any non-physical damages is limited to the triple of the pre-arranged price. This regulation applies for the case that the damage on the participant/client has been inflicted neither intentionally nor through gross negligence. During the term of the booked arrangement the participants/clients are accompanied by Equus Ourique personnel.

Instructions by our personnel need to be obeyed. If any participant/client threatens the realization of the booked arrangement by constantly making trouble or even being a danger to themselves or others, the organizer has the right to cancel the contract (in the case of under aged participants without authorization from parents or legal guardians) and exclude the participant/client from the booked activity. The participation fee will not be refunded.


By agreeing to the contract, the legal representative or another authorized person (of the under aged client) gives permission (to the participant) to take part in sport activities. Any participation in sport courses is at the client’s own risk. Participants must possess an appropriate athletic ability. The participant declares expressly that there are no existing medical conditions that would adversely impact the undertaking of riding or any other (horse related) activities in which he/she participates. Equus Ourique would like to draw your attention to the elevated level of risk entailed in horse related activities (accidents may lead to injuries, disabilities or even death). Since Equus Ourique does not exert any control over your mastery of these activities, Equus Ourique does not assume any liability. Participants bear the full responsibility for accidents, loss inflicted on themselves or third parties or fatal accidents.


Participants/clients are responsible and liable for any and all of their own insurances. It is recommended that participants/clients carry insurances that cover accidents and health issues incurred abroad (international insurance coverage) and travel cancellation expenses and luggage insurance.


We advise our clients to always carry a valid ID and a valid vaccination card when travelling through Europe.

On “change over days” when the arrival of the new guests and the departure of the leaving guests merge, the necessary cleaning and the proper preparation of rooms might lead to delays of availability.


In the interest of Equus Ourique and our clients, we reserve the right to change the itinerary or specific services agreed upon if unforeseen events render it necessary.


The participant/client agrees to be photographed throughout his/her stay at Equus Ourique at various activities and sport events. Furthermore, the images can be used for commercial purposes for Equus Ourique. This consent can be cancelled any time in written form. The participant/client also agrees to the commercial use (e.g. market research, marketing) of his/her personal data (stock data). With regard to the registered data of the participants/clients, Equus Ourique as the organizer always acts in compliance with the regulations of data privacy and media law. Particularly, personal data is kept in confidence. Again, this consent can be cancelled at any time in written form. If so, the use of the participants/client’s data (as described in this paragraph) will not take place.


The invalidity of particular regulations of the travel contract or of the terms and conditions do not imply the invalidity of the entire travel contract.


Place of jurisdiction for Equus Ourique is Ourique, Portugal.